This page includes information concerning hotels and other lodgings to stay during the congress. Proposals will be updated as soon we are aware of more offers.
Have in mind that from 22nd till 25th September Barcelona hosts its summer local Festival or Festa major, La Mercè. This means that the hotel occupation rate during those days will be considerably high. During la Mercè fests there will be many popular activities. Here you have the program of all of them.

The hotels/residences with some agreement are the following ones:

1.- Hotel Turin

  • To see its location press here.
  • Number of rooms they are offering us at reduced price: 5 individual rooms + 10 double (or double of individual use) rooms.
  • Rates:
    • Individual …………………………. 88,80 €/night/room.
    • Double with individual use…………112,15 €/night/room.
    • Double………………………………134,83 €/night/room.

    Breakfast and IVA (tax) are included in these prices.
    You have to add 0,72 euros/person/night in concept of tourist tax.

  • This offer expires August 19th. After that date, the price will be the standard one.
  • If you wanted to be hosted also during the following weekend (24-25 September), say it in advance to the hotel. They will keep the same prices offer.
  • How to proceed: Make reference to Reservation number 107356 or identify yourself as a participant of the congress CSASC2016, organised by the IEC (Institut d’Estudis Catalans). To formalise the reservation you will be asked to provide your credit card data.
  • How to contact for reservation:


2.- Casa Espiritualitat Sant Felip Neri

  • For English version press here or, once at the home page press Traductor and select English.
  • It is a modernist tower located at the quarter of Sarrià. It is a House of Spirituality property of the Congregation of Religious Filipenses. To know more about its history and to see some pictures click on The House button at the left-hand side menu.It is suitable for those looking for a quiet place out from the crowds and conventional hotels.
  • To see its location press here.
  • Rates: See Accommodation.
  • How to proceed: See Accommodation > Pre-booking rooms and fill the corresponding reservation form. Include at the Remaks section that you are a participant of the congress CSASC2016, organised by the IEC (Institut d’Estudis Catalans).
  • How to contact:




    Double room of individual use: 135€/night
    Double room: 150€/night

    Breakfast included (buffet)
    IVA tax included
    Touristic tax not included (1,21€/person/night)

    Please indicate the Reference CSASC2016 when booking a room.
    How to contact:



    Double room of individual use: 95€/night
    Double room: 115€/night

    Breakfast included
    IVA tax included
    Touristic tax not included (1,21€/person/night)

    Please indicate the Reference CSASC2016 when booking a room.
    How to contact:



    Double room of individual use: 100€
    Double room: 120€
    Breakfast included
    IVA tax included
    Touristic tax not included (1,21€/person/night)

    8 rooms maximum.
    Please indicate the Reference CSASC2016 booking a room.
    How to contact:


Remind that the week of the conference will be high touristic season in Barcelona. These hotels are offering a limited number of rooms. This means that these offers depend on availability.
You will find all this information and the hotels email addresses in this pdf file.



The Czech, Slovenian, Austrian, Slovak and Catalan Mathematical Societies invite all the participants to this joint meeting, focused on current research topics across several areas of Mathematics.

Plenary talks and special sessions have been selected by the scientific committee. We would like to thank the plenary speakers, the organisers of the special sessions, members of the scientific and local committees from the five societies involved and the mathematical community as a whole for their support to this joint meeting.

Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques
Institut d'Estudis Catalans
Carrer del Carme, 47
08001 Barcelona

Phone: +34 933 248 583