There will be two time-slots every day (morning and afternoon) dedicated to special sessions, except on Friday, when it will be just one (morning). Each time-slot will be two-hours long and it will be divided in several subslots.

There will be also poster sessions during the morning coffee-breaks and a contributed talks session (see schedule).

You can download the book of abstracts from here (macros provided by Lluís Alsedà).


The Czech, Slovenian, Austrian, Slovak and Catalan Mathematical Societies invite all the participants to this joint meeting, focused on current research topics across several areas of Mathematics.

Plenary talks and special sessions have been selected by the scientific committee. We would like to thank the plenary speakers, the organisers of the special sessions, members of the scientific and local committees from the five societies involved and the mathematical community as a whole for their support to this joint meeting.

Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques
Institut d'Estudis Catalans
Carrer del Carme, 47
08001 Barcelona

Phone: +34 933 248 583